Stitch Fix: My First Fix!

My first FIX arrived yesterday and I was so excited!

 The packaging was really pretty and the attention to detail was perfect.

Here's a card from my stylist, Margaret.

And here are all the contents in the box.

 I couldn't wait to try everything on!

Unfortunately, I could only get two photos taken of myself with the clothes on because the little man on the left kept jumping in and trying to grab my camera (for him, play time = ALL THE TIME).

Anyway, I really liked this cardigan, but I live in Texas and it's pushing 80 degrees over here.  I'd love to keep this, but I don't think I'd wear it until next year.

This is the best shot I could get of the long-sleeve cowl neck shirt that I received.  The glare from the mirror was just terrible and didn't do this shirt justice.

Plus, I'm sure the mirror needs cleaning :(

I really liked the shirt a lot, but again......I live in Texas and would be waiting a while to wear this beauty.

Anyway, here's what I did with all the items ...

Oh, and I logged onto my Stitch Fix account, emailed my feedback on each item to my stylist, and scheduled my next Fix.  Yipppeeeee!!

I just love the simplicity of Stitch Fix.  It's exactly what this busy girl needs.


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